Marcelle Weslock, PE, LEED AP is proud to announce the establishment of her new firm Élan Design Lab, Inc. With 17 years of industry experience including leading the civil engineering departments of two large multidisciplinary firms, Weslock has formed Élan for the purpose of providing civil, landscape and testing services including site and infrastructure design, stormwater and water resource management, landscape architecture, construction materials testing, special inspections and forensic investigations. Élan’s office will be located near downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Assisting Ms. Weslock with the new venture will be Steve Johnston, PE who most recently served as Regional Manager and Vice President of Northern Technologies, Inc. a regional geotechnical and testing firm. In 1991 Johnston started the civil engineering practice at Loucks and Associates, leaving in 1994 to found Landform Engineering Company. In 2008 he sold Landform and started the boutique firm RHO Development Consulting, Inc.
Besides her experience as Civil Engineering Group Leader at LHB Corp, and Director of Civil Engineering at Leo A Daly, Ms. Weslock served as Studio Designer at Landform Engineering Company and Project Engineer at Parsons where she was responsible for engineering elements of the Hiawatha Light Rail Line (Blue Line).
Élan is expected to be certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (“WBE”). The new company hopes to work with new and past clients including major retailers, general contractors, developers and various government entities throughout the region. For more information visit the company’s website